Résultats pour le mot-clef : "éducation"

Publications liées à "éducation"

Understanding and supporting collaborative interactions with parents in Early Childhood Education

Laurent Filliettaz, Marianne Zogmal, Stéphanie Garcia

In this contribution, we report on an ongoing research program conducted in Geneva (Switzerland), dedicated to relationships between parents and professionals in the field of Early Childhood Education. In this research program, we aim at understanding the sorts of interactional competences mobilised by educators when encountering parents in daily work situations. The program includes a video-ethnographic survey based on direct observation of naturally occurring encounters, as well as a training program, dedicated to in-service educators in which their interactional competences can be elaborated and developed. The chapter reports on the research design of this project, presents the empirical material collected...

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French “Passerelles” (transitional preschool) Classes: Outcomes of a specific program for Early Childhood Education

Frédéric Torterat, Françoise Morel, Katherine Ruprecht, Yves Soulé

This study examines sample classrooms in order to evaluate the cognitive and social dimensions of the transition of students from preschool to primary school, with a special focus on "passerelle" classes, which are a special type of transitional preschool program that exist in France. A main interest of the study is children's transition from home and community life to "class life" (developmental success in a formal education setting). Grounded in evidence-based practices, the present empirical and in-depth approach takes place at École Maternelle (ÉM) Perrault in Pézenas (Hérault). As of January 2021, the study was composed of 102 pupils divided into...

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La collaboration avec les bibliothèques de quartier : deux pistes, parmi d’autres

Frédéric Torterat

Cette contribution présente deux initiatives collaboratives menées respectivement à Nice-Est (2013-2016) et à Montpellier-Nord (2017-2019), initiatives ayant rassemblé acteurs de la recherche, professeur·e·s des écoles et bibliothécaires de quartier, en faveur de l’acquisition du langage et de la socialisation du jeune enfant. Après une présentation générale et un bref historique, l’auteur expose les démarches accomplies et les principaux constats qui en ont été retenus, à la suite de quoi il revient sur les mécanismes de médiation susceptibles, selon lui, de préfigurer de telles actions conjointes.

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